Friday, January 11, 2008

Tena to Cotopaxi

Travelling from Tena to Cotopaxi was much like the trip to Tena. Unbelievably spectacular but like spending 5 hours in a washing machine. We drove along the "valley of the waterfalls" and stopped at one that was a combination of a huge flow with a massive drop. It was one of those falls that you got drenched by just getting within 50m of it.
Just after the waterfall was the town of Banos which is the adventure sports capital of Ecuador. It has massive volcanos towering over it and a wild river running through it so it is easy to see why it attects thrill seekers from all over the world.
Around Banos there is quite a bit of farming on slopes that are mind bogglingly steep. On almost sheer slopes there are patches of corn and potatoes and sugarcane and a whole range of crops. The patterns created by these small fields between patches of jungle and small waterfalls are stunning.
We got to our Hacienda after a full day of driving to find a sort of farmstay type setup with baby llamas, rabits, sheep and all sorts of things to keep the girls happy as well as wifi to keep me happy so all was good.

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