Saturday, January 5, 2008


Photos in order (I hope)

Church of San Fransisco, Quito
Sucking in the big ones on the top of Pinchincha volcano
Cable Car with Quito in backgorund
Ally and Rhiannon on either side of equator
Equadorian Taxi
Ally zipping over the trees
Tammy zipping into the clouds
Ally and Rhiannon on one of the dodgy rope bridges over the river
Rhiannon buying a traditonal shirt
Tammy bargaining at the markets
Ally in her new alpaca jumper

1 comment:

fredjim said...

Dear Tribe
Your narrative is great and so are the pics. I retrieved the one of the Quito church and it was 30 KB. Looks like the kids enjoyed the market and we like their choices of clothes. More pics of Tam and Richard would be nice. Keep having a good time. Nick and family arrive on Friday for the birthday and leave on Sunday. N says Alex took two steps today & was very pleased with himself. Love Helen & Jim