Friday, January 11, 2008


Tonight is our last night on the Ecuador tour before going straight on to join a tour of Peru at Cuzco. It has been a wondeful week and a half and Equador sure is a country of imense physical beauty and extremes. It is a real pity that the country is so poor because the diabolical roads, dirty towns, the state of the housing and infrastructure in general just take the shine off what would otherwise I'm sure be one of the premier destinations in the world. The few towns that have really seen the value in the tourist dollar and made an effort to be clean and safe are truly spectacular.

Anyway as for what we have been up to the last few days I will do seperate posts for each place as I have done so far. Instead of putting photos in the blog this time I have posted them to a seperate site so it's easier to get more on and add captions. Just click on the link and hit slideshow.


fredjim said...

Dear Gang
Gosh, that altitude is about 5000 ft higher than we've ever been - no wonder you were puffed. Great shots of the Amazon and nice to see some of T&R too. Keep 'em coming. Nick says hello. Grant is off on Tuesday to South Africa and Nick and kids will stay 'till next Sunday. Alex is up to 10 consecutive steps now. Love Helen and Jim

Diana Jefferson said...

Really enjoyed catching up with your travels. Sooo wonderful. Marcus and I are very impressed with the blogging. We have do it next time we travel afar.
Just fantastic to hear about your experiences.
Much love from Miranda and Marcus