Saturday, January 5, 2008


Still raining today but it seemed quite appropriate given how dense and lush the vegetation was everywhere. The hummingbirds here truly are amazing. If you go and stand still by the feeders after a while they will hover right in front of your face. Ecuador is obviuously a mecca for bird lovers and on the lodge there are a couple of tour groups here solely for bird spotting. At breakfast, lunch and dinner they all earnestly poor over their Birds of Equador text (3 inches thick and they all have one!).

We started off the day with a visit to a “canopy tour” which was essentially a series of 10 flying foxes over the rainforest. They varied on length and height with some being over quite precipitous valleys. Some of them were long enough that the other end disappeared into the cloud.

After the canopy tour we went on a walk to some amazing waterfalls. It was really raining heavily by now and the warterfalls were pounding. By the time we were finished we were soaked through but the rain was warm and as I said before it seemed appropriate that it was raining so apart from the lack of view it was really nice.

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