Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tammy's Contribution

I thought I'd better write something. So far we've had an excellent trip and I can't believe we've been away nearly a month. I've read 8 books so far not that this means the trip has been boring we've just had lots of plane/bus/car trips between things.

The food in South America has been really good. We didn't end up trying Guinea pig, it seems to be served with the head and feet still attached and we thought this might be a traumatic for Rhiannon. Ally has become much more adventurous with her eating and will now try things she wouldn't have touched before.

We've all learned a few basics of Spanish. The biggest problem isn't figuring out what to say it's understanding the answer. Fortunately the guides we've had have been really good and most people in Peru speak some english. The old ladies in Peru all seem to want to steal Rhiannon she's been kissed by some complete strangers.

Richard likes blogging better than me so I'll leave it up to him. But yes Nikki I'm still here.


Chrissy Sefton said...

Dear Tammy, Richard, Ally and Rhiannon
I have only just got around to catching up on your travels. Things have been a bit crazy here. I am amazed that you are able to write so much as well as actually doing it! Well done.
The whole trip looks incredible and I am somewhat jealous although I know that it would be entirely the wrong time for us to do any such trips.
Look forward to reading more before you return
Safe travels
love Chris

fredjim said...

Dear Gang
Glad to hear you haven't lost Tam. By the way would two old farts like us get kissed too? Nikki's back home successfully after a great visit and a not so great time getting off on their flight (storm delay). Enjoy Chile and we look forward to some more good pics.
Love, Helen & Jim