Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Museums and Snow

The last couple of days we have spent visiting two of the biggest museums in New York, the American Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Both are only a short walk from our B&B and both are fantastic. We probably saw less than 25% of either one after a full day at both. Tammy wishes she had the Natural History Museum in Gunnedah to take science excursions to. The exhibits are so clear and kept Ally and Rhiannon interested and even commenting that science was pretty cool so that says something about how well written they were.
Today we went to the Met Art Museum which was slightly less entertaining for the girls but still we had fun looking at some of the ridiculous modern art and I think they appreciated the amount of famous and significant paintings that they saw. For both of them the "mad dude that cut off his own ear" was a favourite.
The weather was pretty grey when we went in to the museum and by the time we came out there had been quite a bit of snow. We had to walk back through central park to get home which was very pretty with the fresh snow. A novelty for all of us but especially exciting for the girls. We were quite glad to be walking as the traffic was in chaos with minor fender benders everywhere and gridlock and general chaos reigning.
One of the things we have been enjoying about New York so far is the food. For all the wonderful things we have been doing on our trip, apart from the Chilean BBQ there have been very few food highlights. Just around the corner from where we are staying there is a very famous deli called Zabars. It is a food wonderland with every sort of fresh and prepared food you can imagine and a cheese section that is intimidating.

1 comment:

Sonya Dare said...

But do they do gluten-free?