Monday, February 4, 2008

Disney - Day 1

A day at Disney with no spewing from the adults. I think we did well! We spent the day at Magic Kingdom and had a fantastic time. Got there early so the crowds weren't too bad. Beautiful weather helped the atmosphere and using the fast pass system we rarely had to wait more than 5 minutes for a ride.
Fantastic people watching too.
After Magic Kingdom we went to the entertainment district, Downtown Disney and had a HUGE late afternoon desert which was not a good move for Tammy and myself as we then went to one of the other Disney attractions which is a building full of virtual reality type computer games. We had been feeling pretty chuffed with ourselves that we had gone on all the roller coasters without getting nausious but I tell you those virtual reality games just knocked us down. It is amazing what your brain can do to your body since we were not even moving but the simulated action had me and Tammy both having to go outside to get fresh air. I know Nicki, we are wimps!

1 comment:

fredjim said...

Dear Heaths
We are so very pleased that you are having a good time. All of our friends have been reading your blog and have found it fascinating. Helen's now on Weight Watchers and thinks that mounntiain of chocolate & ice cream looked like heaven. Richard how about that pass/catch that set NY up for the final touchdown - Wow!
Love, Helen & Jim