Thursday, February 7, 2008

Disney Day 2 and 3

Day 2 was Animal Kingdoms turn and we all thought that it was better than Magic Kingdom. Animal Kingdom is basically a giant zoo with rides incorparted. The exhibits are as good or better than any zoo I've been to in terms of the quality and size of the enclosures and the rides mix it all up. Rhiannon of course was entrhalled being the animal lover that she is and had many close encounters with all sorts of animals.
After Animal Kingdom we went to one of the Disney water parks which features an incredibly big lagoon type pool with wave (big) generator, many water slides and a long lazy river.
Day 3 was a bit more relaxed with no actual Disney visits. We had another look around shops in order to buy some more luggage to fit our ever expanding souvenir purchases and then went to one of the extraordinary mini golf courses that are all over Orlando.
The afternoon was spent in the pool here at the hotel before one of the absolute highlights of the trip so far, a show at Cirque de Soleil. We had seen the DVD of the show but as always the live event is so much better. My favorite was the little girls doing the Diablo. The skill was just incredible. Just so much to see though, alot of the time you were trying to look at 10 things at once. The culmination of the show was an inconceivable trampoline act which has got the girls thinking about updating their trampoline show and demanding an improvement to facilities at home.
We have a dilema today over what to do as there is a shuttle launch scheduled for this afternoon. The weather is not great and the forcast is only for a 30% cnace of a launch but we would be gutted if we were this close (cape canaveral is only 40min away) and we didn't take the chance to watch a launch.
Next post will have the answer.

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