Saturday, February 23, 2008


I realise that the posts have been a bit thin on the ground latley and the reason is that sickness has finaly caught up with us on this trip. Tammy and I picked up something the last couple of days in New York and brought it to Japan with us. I got pretty crook in Tokyo and then stupidly went out and boarded the first day here at Hakuba instead of resting. The result, two days in bed with a fever. Ally got the fever too and had to miss a day of skiing which absolutley killed her. Tammy very wisely rested when she got here and so has recovered O.K and is now doing a fantastic job looking after the rest of us. Rhiannon is the only one who has been unaffected and has been enjoying her ski lessons immensly. There has been over a metre of fresh snow at the top of the mountain over the last day and night and this morning the lifts have been on a wind hold. More photos have been posted.

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