Sunday, December 30, 2007

More Alligators

A nice day today with no camera destructing incidents or parking fines (which we got yesterday). We went up to a nature preserve called the corkscrew swamp which entailed a 3.5km long boardwalk through various everglades habitats. It was really well done and stacks of wildlife. Alligators are obviously South Floridas equivalent to Gunnedahs Koalas. Now we know what to look for you can spot them in the water on the side of the road just about everywhere you drive.
Had a walk through another part of Naples from yesterday where there is a collection of high end shops and art galleries. This walk was mostly for mine and Allys benefit as I have discovered that Ally is a fellow car lover. This was car spotting paradise with Ferraris, Porche, Bently, Rolls Royce and just about anything else you could think of. Tammy and Rhiannon were non plussed.
Naples is the self described golf capital of America and once you get away from the beach it seems to consist of one after another huge golf resorts with competing grand entrances. We had fun driving around deciding which was the most ridiculously opulent entrance and decided that the 20m long sculpture of six horses running down though a cascading waterfall took the cake. I used to think that the entrances to some of the resorts on the Gold Coast where a bit wanky but they pale in comparison to the monstrosities over here.
A beautiful dinner tonight back in Everglades City in a cafe on the waters edge. We ate fried alligator and shrimp and drunk beer while the sun set over the water and Rhiannon spent about an hour telling us how she would cope being locked in a steel box with a guinea pig versus an alligator and how in that situation she would still not eat the guinea pig although she would eat the alligator. Fantastic.


Nikki Fredsall said...

Is Rhiannon aware that in Peru part of their national cuisine includes Guinea Pig - they will assure you it is fresh and is no bigger than a large rat once cooked. So will she sacrifice her love of all things great and small for the 'travel experience'?

Nikki Fredsall said...

Grant here, found Richards b'day presents for the next decade today in our big clean out. Golf balls and hats. You have been warned.