Monday, December 24, 2007

Here we go!

Well I can only hope that all our airport experiences are as painless as the first one. Sydney airport is not surprisingly fairly quiet at 9pm on Christmas eve and there are no quese anywhere. We've had our first stupid carry on baggage episode though (stupid on our part) as the girls had wanted to bring their hand held UHF radios. We thought it wasn't a bad idea but without thinking put them in our carry on. The customs check seemed to think they were O.K because there were no batteries in them yet but we are suspecting that they will be confiscated when we hit the States. Boarding in about half an hour.


Bill Yates said...

Happy Christmas to you all. Will put the turkey on shortly. The tree decorated thanks to Michelle and some searching, small pine trees not abundant. Looks like a few weeks fine after small falls most days, profiles not wet, cracked and rough, contractors touchy over who gets smoothest! Will punt 600 acres sorghum moisture uneven a foot to 3.Cheers Bill Y

fredjim said...

Gosh it's quiet around here today. Glad to hear you got away successfully. We'll follow this blog faithfully. Love Helen & Jim

Diana Jefferson said...

Happy Christmas and Happy landings

malcolm and elisabeth said...

Have just returned from Xmas lunch at Williams. Great day we have some good snaps which I will try and send later. The emailing of your itenary 30 mins. before you took off was great timing.There are reports of very bad weather in the US here so I hope you reach Miami without too many delays. We managed the grain transfers on the internet in your absense and should be able to crank up the boom spray on Thursday.Your comment about wanting to spray on your last day here has been taken with a grain of salt as we all recall it was actually raining!
Love Malcolm and Elisabeth

Simonne said...

Hi guys. It was great to be able to catch up before the big trip. I will be watching your blog with envy. Have fun!!!!!!! Simonne
ps - I don;t know how I signed up as Trevor, Lucky and Byron but as I can't figure out how to change least you know it's me!